Como abogados de Nueva York especializados en casos de lesión personal relacionados con: mala praxis médica, accidentes de tránsito, homicidio culposo, etc., le informamos a continuación cuáles son sus derechos al tratar con nosotros.
1. Tiene derecho a ser tratado con gentileza y consideración en todo momento por su abogado y los demás abogados y empleados del estudio.
2. Tiene derecho a un abogado capaz de manejar su asunto legal de manera competente y diligente según los criterios más estrictos de nuestra profesión. Si no está conforme con la manera en que se está manejando su caso, tiene derecho como cliente a extinguir su relación con el abogado en cualquier momento (podría ser necesario obtener aprobación del tribunal en algunos asuntos y su abogado podría reclamarle el valor de sus servicios hasta el momento de extinguir la relación).
3. Tiene derecho a recibir la opinión independiente y la lealtad absoluta sin conflictos de interés por parte de su abogado.
4. Tiene derecho a que se le cobren honorarios razonables y a que su abogado le explique desde el comienzo como se computarán los honorarios y la manera y la frecuencia con que se facturarán. Tiene derecho a solicitar y recibir de su abogado una factura detallada por escrito a intervalos razonables. Puede negarse a aceptar honorarios que no le parezcan razonables. En caso de un litigio por honorarios, tendrá derecho a buscar arbitraje. Su abogado le brindará la información necesaria en cuanto a arbitraje en caso de una disputa por honorarios o si usted lo solicitara.
5. Tiene derecho a que sus preguntas y preocupaciones sean respondidas rápidamente y a que sus llamados telefónicos sean respondidos a la brevedad.
6. Tiene derecho a que se lo mantenga informado sobre el estado de su asunto y a solicitar y recibir copias de los documentos. Tiene derecho a recibir la información suficiente como para participar del desarrollo de su asunto.
7. Tiene derecho a que su abogado respete sus objetivos legítimos se resuelva o no su asunto (en algunos asuntos es necesario que el acuerdo sea homologado pro el juez).
8. Tiene derecho a privacidad al tratar con su abogado y a mantener secretos dentro de lo permitido por la ley.
9. Tiene derecho a que su abogado se rija por la ética establecida el código de responsabilidad profesional.
10. No podrá negársele representación por motivos de raza, creencia, color, religión, sexo, edad, nacionalidad o discapacidad.
Facultad de Derecho J.D. Benjamin Cardozo de la Yeshiva University; B.A. Departmental Honors, Harpur College S.U.N.Y Binghamton.
Experiencia como pasante: Fiscalía General de Estados Unidos Distrito Sur de Nueva York; Despacho de la Honorable Miriam Goldman Cedarbaum, Corte de Distrito de Estados Unidos para el Distrito Sur de Nueva York; Despacho de la Honorable Mary Johnson Lowe, Corte de Distrito de Estado Unidos para el Distrito Sur de Nueva York.
Publicaciones legales: Caso principal de Case & Comment, Marzo/Abril 1987 Vol. 92, No. 2, “O’Brien v. O’Brien Equitable Distribution Dividing Professional Status”
Membresías: Asociaciones en N.Y. y federales: Corte de Distrito de EE.UU. para el Distrito de Puerto Rico, Corte de Distrito de EE.UU. para el Distrito Sur de N.Y., Corte de Distrito de EE.UU. para el Distrito Este de N.Y., Tribunal de Apelación de EE.UU. para el Primer Circuito.
Casos destacados por su complejidad: Bernabel v. Detroit Diesel Corp. and General Motors Corporation, Corte de Distrito de EE.UU. para el Distrito de Puerto Rico, Index # 99 CV 1002 (Caso de tres años por responsabilidad civil de fabricantes presentado en representación de un cliente tres semanas antes del juicio).
Casio Computer Co., Ltd. v. Osamu Sayo, et. al., Corte de Distrito de EE.UU. para el Distrito Sur de Nueva York, Index # 98 CV 3772 [Demanda bajo la Ley Federal contra el Crimen Organizado y la Corrupción en Organizaciones y Empresas (RICO por sus iniciales en inglés) superior a los $110 millones contra su cliente declarada sin lugar por el tribunal].
Tribunal de primera instancia del Estado de Nueva York por el Condado de Queens desde el 1 de enero de 1982 hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2001; Juez del tribunal civil de la ciudad de Nueva York desde el 1 de enero de 1976 hasta el 31 de diciembre de 1981. Mientras ocupaba su cargo estuvo entre el 10% con mayor cantidad de decisiones judiciales: estuvo 14 años en el fuero civil, 6 años en el fuero penal y 6 años en el tribunal civil.
Más de 100 decisiones publicadas en Misc. Reports y el N.Y. Law Journal.
Entre todos sus otros logros, el ex Juez Posner es contador público y fue legislador del Estado de Nueva York desde el 1 de enero de 1967 hasta el 31 de diciembre de 1975.
Además de atender casos de mala praxis médica y accidentes de tránsito, nuestros abogados tienen una vasta experiencia en asuntos legales derivados de otros tipos de casos de lesión personal.
Por ejemplo, manejamos casos relacionados con lesiones personales graves provocadas por: aviones, edificios de apartamentos; edificios comerciales, obras en construcción, transporte público (buses, subterráneos, trenes), accidentes en la propiedad, productos defectuosos, etc.
Uno de los motivos por el que podemos manejar una amplia gama de casos de lesión personal de manera eficiente es que muchos de los abogados que nos “asesoran”, (ver hipervínculo “Perfil de los abogados”), no sólo han representado los intereses de una gran variedad de clientes sino que se han dedicado a litigios.
Nuestros abogados han representado, entre otros, a: AT& T, Puerto Rico Insurance Fund, Crum & Forster Insurance Company, Royal Insurance Company, American International Adjustment Company (AIAC), Universal Insurance of Puerto Rico, Kimberly Clark of Puerto Rico, etc.
Además, por nuestra experiencia como abogados de Nueva York hemos desarrollado la filosofía de adoptar un enfoque dinámico en todos nuestros casos de lesión personal en prácticamente todas las fases del litigio, ya sea durante o antes del juicio, o durante la apelación.
Nuestra experiencia ha demostrado que una postura firme de los abogados de Nueva York es de especial importancia. Esta postura se mantiene en todos nuestros casos de lesión personal sin importar las complejidades relacionadas con el caso como: lesión al nacer, lesión cerebral traumática, homicidio culposo, casos de responsabilidad civil del fabricante, etc.; o si su caso es más simple porque está relacionado con un accidente en una acera de la ciudad de Nueva York.
Hemos comprobado que este enfoque dinámico suele darnos una ventaja con respecto a nuestros adversarios, muchos de los cuales no están preparados o se muestran inseguros al momento de ir a juicio por su caso.
Car accidents are not a good experience. From damage to your car and personal injury to the numerous headaches that can come from having to deal with insurance companies or the legal system; car accidents can create a ton of frustration for those involved. By preparing yourself for how to react in the event you are involved in an accident, you can better ensure that your legal rights will be protected.
At our law firm, we have worked with plenty of car accident victims and have witnessed how certain mistakes people make after a crash can threaten their right to financial compensation. Below are 5 common mistakes to avoid after you’ve been involved in an accident:
1. Not Calling Police – If you’re able to do so, calling the police can be a wise decision. Aside from handling any emergency or criminal issues at the scene of an accident, law enforcement officers can also take notes about the incident and record statements. Their notes could become useful should you choose to file an injury claim.
2. Not Collecting the Other Driver’s Info – After a traffic accident, you should always exchange information with any other motorists who were involved. Without this type of information, you will have a difficult time making a case. Make sure to record a driver’s license plate number, insurance information, and contact information. If witnesses are present, you can take down their information as well.
3. Not Getting Prompt Medical Attention – Many people involved in traffic accidents feel as though they don’t need medical attention, either because they don’t feel pain right away or because they think the pain will go away. When you don’t seek prompt medical attention, you don’t only put yourself in danger, but your future potential injury claim as well. Waiting on or forgoing medical attention is a common and serious mistake.
4. Believing the Insurance Company – The insurance company is in business to protect their bottom line. Don’t believe that an insurance company will fairly compensate you for your damages and never accept an offer without first consulting an attorney. This mistake could cost you lots of dollars.
5. Not Calling a Lawyer – One of the biggest mistakes you can make after an accident is not consulting a lawyer. An experienced car accident attorney can help you fully understand your legal rights and guide you through the process of filing a personal injury claim. Personal injury lawyers specialize in this type of work, and can help you deal with the insurance company and how to best recover the compensation you deserve.
By remembering these common mistakes and how to avoid them, you can better protect your rights after a car accident. If you have questions about your case and how our law firm can help you, contact us today for a free case evaluation.
If you or any of your family members have been injured, you could be entitled to damages for your injury. For help in claiming your rights, contact our law firm for a free consultation.
We’ll provide you with a free no obligation consultation about your case. GET IN TOUCH WITH US!
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Do I need a truck accident attorney if I’ve been injured in a crash?
A trucking case can be complicated, more so than an average carcass because the regulations, damages, and physics are different. That is why it’s so important to hire a St. Louis truck accident attorney who focuses their attention on your specific problem. If you’ve been in an accident with a big truck, you’ll want a lawyer that specifically handles cases with big trucks. It’s that simple.
Why should I hire your truck accident attorney instead of just using the lawyer that handles my other legal matters?
If you’re going through a divorce or want a well done, you wouldn’t want to hire someone from my office because we’re truck accident attorneys and we specialize in representing injury victims. Using that same logic you would never choose a desk lawyer to represent your truck accident case because it’s not their specialty. You would never consider going to your dermatologist or chiropractor with a brain tumor, so you shouldn’t think for a second about going to anyone but the best person for your legal matters either. And if you’ve been in a truck accident, there is no one better to represent you than a truck accident attorney.
You don’t pay us unless you win your case
A lot of people don’t realize that a truck accident attorney won’t bill you for consulting with them. A free consultation is just a phone call away. We can discuss the details of what happened in your truck accident, and what steps to take moving forward. We will answer your questions at no cost to you. Then you can decide if a truck accident attorney will be able to help recover your losses.
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Auto accident attorneys can help with a hit and run accident
Many drivers don’t realize how important their uninsured motorist coverage is. If you’re in a hit and run accident, you can count on an auto accident attorney to collect on your uninsured motorist coverage from the insurance company.
Can an auto accident attorney help if they drove away before I could find out who was responsible?
Many people are unaware that you don’t need to know who hit you to collect from the insurance company. Another driver may not even have to hit you for you to qualify, if they swerve and cause you to wreck you are still due compensation. It is important to hire an auto accident attorney that knows all the ins and outs of the law, to ensure that you get everything you deserve.
If you try to repair a plumbing issue yourself and make it worse, you can still call a plumber to fix it, no harm done. It doesn’t work the same for legal cases. You only have one chance to collect your damages and it you don’t hire an auto accident attorney you may miss your opportunity.
I tried to handle this on my own, is it too late for me to get help from an auto accident attorney?
Many people try to handle their cases on their own because the insurance company and claims representatives are very friendly and seemingly helpful. In many cases this is mainly just a show to gain your trust. I’ve had several clients that came to me late in the process because at some point they realized they couldn’t go it alone. While I can still often help them, sometimes I can’t, and that’s why it is so important to hire an auto accident attorney immediately following your accident.The longer you wait the harder it is to get you what you deserve.
You never pay out of pocket and a consultation is always free with our auto accident attorneys.
A free consultation is just a phone call away. We can discuss the details of what happened in your accident, and what steps to take moving forward. We will answer your questions at no cost to you. Then you can decide if an auto accident attorney will be able to help recover your losses.
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Get in an accident and need a lawyer? How to choose from the best truck accident attorneys
Selecting the right person from the pool of accident attorneys can seem overwhelming. Choosing the best person for the job requires a good fit and you should look for attorneys with expertise in truck accident cases.
If you get into a truck accident you wouldn’t want to hire divorce attorneys. If you get into a personal injury at work you wouldn’t want to hire patent lawyers. You need to find accident attorneys that specialize in truck cases and have the expertise to represent you and fight the insurance company to recover the damages you deserve.
Truck accident attorneys know the complex laws and can fight against the insurance company while you recover
Truck accident cases are complicated and require expert attorneys to handle them. We have the experience to work with insurance companies and understand the complex laws to recover money for your damages. Compared to a crash involving two cars, the regulations with truck accidents are different, the physics of the accident is different, and you need to find an attorney that handles truck accidents so you can give your case the highest chances of succeeding. A specialized pool of attorneys is available in our firm to help you win your truck accident claim and help get your medical and property damages paid.
Reputable truck accident attorneys will not charge unless they will your case
A free consultation is just a phone call away. We can discuss the details of what happened in your truck accident, and what steps to take moving forward. We will answer your questions at no cost to you. Then you can decide if a Truck Accident Attorney will be able to help recover your losses.
A truck accident that wasn’t your fault? What your insurance doesn’t want to tell you, as told by a lawyer
Truck Accident Lawyer shares what you can expect from your insurance company after an accident. You were injured in an accident with a large semi-truck and now the bills are flying in. If you’re not at-fault, you may be on your own. When you’re not at fault your insurance company doesn’t want to be involved in your case.
Basic insurance will not pay your medical bills, says an accident lawyer
Basic vehicle insurance will cover you in the event that you are at fault for an accident. If someone else hits you and they were negligent, your basic insurance policy will not cover your damages or pay for your medical bills. A truck accident lawyer can help recover money from your “uninsured motorist” coverage in the event the other party’s insurance is not enough.
You need to call a truck accident lawyer to help find money to pay your medical bills
A Truck Accident Lawyer knows how to go up against the big insurance companies and get you the money you need to pay the bills. You do not have to pay out of pocket for a Truck Accident Lawyer. They will only collect a fee if you win your case. A Truck Accident Lawyer makes sure to never take more in fees than you get for your settlement.
You don’t pay a truck accident attorney unless you win your case
A lot of people don’t realize that a truck accident attorney won’t bill you for consulting with them. A free consultation is just a phone call away. We can discuss the details of what happened in your truck accident, and what steps to take moving forward. We will answer your questions at no cost to you. Then you can decide if a truck accident attorney will be able to help recover your losses.
Buses often lack basic safety equipment that automobiles do have. They’re also much larger and hit with much more force than other vehicles on the road. If you’re in a bus accident, you may have serious or long-term injuries as a result. Insurance companies may want to offer you a quick settlement, but it may not be enough to cover additional surgeries, future doctor visits, or physical therapy — and you won’t know this until later. An experienced bus accident attorney will get the compensation you need to recover from your injuries and make sure you’re not taken advantage of.
Contact a Bus Accident Lawyer
Contact us for a free consultation. We know how complicated things may seem, but we’ll help you make sense of your case, understand what options you have, and determine what type of compensation is available to you.
Insurance companies can be difficult after a Texas auto accident
After an auto accident in Texas, you might think your insurance company is looking out for your best interests. Don’t be so sure. As one family found out, sometimes your insurance company will go to court to defend the driver of the other vehicle, even when the accident was the other driver’s fault. That’s exactly what happened in a recent case involving a driver who killed a 24-year-old woman driving another car. The woman’s insurance company defended the other driver in court, sparking outrage across the country.
Dealing with insurance companies after a car accident can be extremely complicated. Insurance companies want you to believe they have your best interests at heart. But often, they’re more focused on watching their bottom line and paying people as little as possible.
At our law firm, we have years of experience fighting for the rights of clients involved in a serious motor vehicle accident. We are prepared to review the facts of your case. Even if your accident seems straightforward, you should strongly consider having a no-nonsense, hard-working car accident lawyer on your side.
In the case of the 24-year-old woman who died in an auto accident, her insurance company defended the other driver, who had a suspended license and little insurance. The insurance company did this because two witnesses said the woman ran a red light. Another incentive for the woman’s insurance company was they didn’t want to pay her family the full amount owed to them.
The woman’s family insisted their daughter didn’t cause the accident and they deserved to be paid in full. That’s why the woman’s family sued her insurance company in court. The jury sided with the woman’s family and determined that she bore no fault at all.
Don’t let insurance companies push you around. Level the playing field. If you’ve been injured in accident, contact our law firm. We can fight for your rights and get you the money you rightfully deserve, even if it means filing an auto accident lawsuit in Texas. Contact us today and put the power of a tenacious Texas accident lawyer to work for you.
When Texas Motorcyclists Wear Helmets, Biker Accident Injuries Go Down While State Savings Go Up
Texas personal injury attorneys
Auto Accidents
Motorcycle Accidents
Texas bikers are a one-of-a-kind breed—independent, hardy and dedicated, and with miles of picturesque roads and open space to explore, it’s no surprise. Texas only requires bikers under 21 to wear a helmet and motorcycle accident injury rates are higher here than in many other states. It’s a controversial issue, with plenty of Texans on both sides of the equation. Last month, a study by the Center For Disease Control gave those in support of universal helmet laws some hefty new artillery: They revealed a direct correlation between helmet-use and significant state cost-savings.
The CDC research focused on the effects of helmets in motorcycle accidents purely in terms of monetary impact. They investigated motorcycle crashes across the country in order to establish how much each state saves when motorcycle drivers and their passengers wear helmets. According to the study, over $3 billion was saved in 1 year alone, with total costs saved due to helmet use ranging from $2.6 million in New Mexico to $394 million in California. Economic costs saved from helmet use per registered motorcycle ranged from $48 in New Mexico to $1,627 in North Carolina, with a median of $286. In Texas, the savings was approximately $500 per registered motorcycle. Swapping motorcycle accident brain injuries for more dollars in the state budget sounds good all around, and yet every biker knows that motorcycle crashes are usually due to negligent car drivers who are speeding, texting or driving drunk.
Our Texas personal injury attorneys are well-versed in helping injured bikers in Texas recover damages for their bike crash injuries, regardless of whether they were wearing a helmet or not. Helmets don’t guarantee motorcycle safety and Texas motorcyclists know they should always drive defensively, no matter what.
Nationally, says the CDC, helmets lowered deaths by 37 percent for motorcycle drivers and 41 percent for passengers, and that meant 1,544 fewer motorcyclist fatalities. Over 40 percent of motorcyclists killed in accidents in a particular year were not wearing a helmet, says the CDC report. In states where helmets are not required, 79 percent of the motorcyclists killed were not wearing one, compared to 12 percent in states where helmets are the law.
In Texas, motorcyclists value their freedom and we understand that. But we want everyone out there on the road to be safe and this study sheds new light on how helmet-use yields financial benefits shared by everyone—legislators, citizens and bikers alike.
Our law firm is known as the People’s Warrior for good reason: We help our clients by going after the responsible parties and relentlessly pursuing justice. If you or a loved one suffered a motorcycle wreck injury, call us for a free consultation. Call today — we’re here to help.
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Consumer Reports: Truck Rollovers, Malfunctioning Seatbelts and Side Impact Risks in Latest Worst Cars List
Buyer beware: Consumer Reports has released its annual list of worst cars, and one of the country’s most popular pick-up trucks is at the top of the list due to poor car test ratings. The Consumer Reports website is a common resource for new car and truck buyers, with a great deal of information on safety such as car accident statistics, crash avoidance systems and “rollover 101.” In place with long stretches of highway on which drivers speed fairly often, such as Texas, catastrophic truck accidents can cause roll-over wrecks and head-on collisions.
According to an article in the New York Daily News, the list is based on testing scores from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, Consumer Reports, the National Highway Transportation and Safety Administration and consumer analyst JD Power. Due to low ratings on car roll-over accidents, side impact collisions and seatbelt safety concerns, there are several defective cars on the market.
Our personal injury attorneys encourage new car and truck buyers to study as many safety and crash ratings as possible before making their purchase. By being informed, they will not end up with a vehicle that has safety problems such as a dangerous risk of roll-over, defective airbags, faulty brakes or unreliable seat belts.
Due to overall poor crash test results, the Dodge Ram 1500 pick-up truck was been named as 2012’s most dangerous car in the United States, despite being a popular, high-selling vehicle. With so many trucks in Texas, catastrophic accident injuries here could be lowered if truck buyers consult Consumer Reports ratings first. Traumatic brain injury, brain and head injury, spinal cord injury are some of the most devastating Texas accident injuries, and while many are due to drunk driving, sometimes it is just a case of a dangerous car on the road.
Other cars that on the list of most dangerous cars on the road were the Chevrolet Colorado Super Cab, the Mazda CX-7, the Mazda CX-9, the Nissan Pathfinder, the Jeep Wrangler and the Suzuki SX4. No European automakers are among the worst-scoring seven models, which contained three US-made cars and four Japanese-made models.
This list gives truck and car buyers an opportunity to do research before they buy, so that they can ensure that they and their loved ones are not in danger of car accident injuries or wrongful death due to known mechanical defects in their vehicles.
Our Texas personal injury attorneys are the People’s Warriors because we aggressively seeks justice for clients. If you or a loved one has suffered a catastrophic car accident or truck roll-over injury, contact a tough legal advocate. For a free consultation. We can help you pursue the compensation you deserve.
For Texas Car Accident Victims, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) Is a Serious Injury
Not all injuries are visible, but sometimes the most devastating conditions are only evident to the sufferer. Traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, broken bones, internal organ injuries—they are all felt by the person suffering, but with little external evidence to others of any extreme pain within. One such injury is a lesser known yet often excruciating condition that goes by two names: complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) and reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD). It can be the result of motorcycle crashes, semi-truck accidents, car wrecks, slip and fall accidents and workplace injuries, and yet can be a challenge to diagnose.
Accident injury CRPS can be a debilitating condition that impacts its victims’ ability to return to work and to enjoy the quality of life they may have had prior to the accident that caused it. A neurological disorder, CRPS or RSD can affect the skin, muscles, joints and bones, and may begin after an accident in which the victim has an injured leg or arm, such as a motorcycle accident in which the rider sustains a broken leg.
our Texas personal injury lawyers understand how devastating a CRPS diagnosis can be, both for victims and their loved ones. “CRPS is a chronic, incurable pain condition,” he explains, “in which high levels of nerve impulses are sent to an affected site. Experts believe that CRPS occurs as a result of dysfunction in the central or peripheral nervous systems and is most common in people aged 20-35. The syndrome also can occur in children and affects women more often than men.”
One of the greatest challenges of CRPS is that it is very difficult condition to prove in car accident lawsuits, slip and fall lawsuits or workplace injury lawsuits. CRPS and RSD lawsuit plaintiffs need aggressive, reliable and knowledgeable legal representation, as that gives CRPS sufferers a much stronger chance of recovering damages. Insurance adjusters may challenge the diagnosis, questioning patients who try to collect compensation. It is important, therefore, for CRPS patients to talk to a trusted, tough CRPS injury attorney as soon after the condition begins as possible.
Our attorneys have dedicated their careers to helping people who have sustained major losses due to debilitating conditions. Unfortunately, insurance company attorneys will use any means necessary to avoid liability. Our attorneys fight aggressively to make sure negligent parties are held responsible for their actions. They are passionate about protecting the rights of clients so they are fully compensated for their injuries.
At our law firm, we understand how devastating a chronic illness can be for the entire family. If you or someone you love is suffering with CRPS or RSD, you need a trusted legal advocate to help you seek the compensation that will help your family get through this difficult time. Call us for a free consultation with a personal injury lawyer.
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Federal agency fighting to take cell phones from Texas drivers?
Car Accidents
Cell phone / Texting
Texting while driving in Texas is illegal. But a federal agency responsible for investigating auto accidents supports banning the use of cell phones while driving, including hands-free cell phone devices. National Transportation Safety Board chairman Deborah Herman made this bold recommendation based on safety concerns and thousands of auto accidents caused by distracted drivers. “It’s about not being engaged at the task at hand,” Herman said, referring to talking on a cell phone while driving, even while using a hands-free device. “Lives are being lost in the blink of an eye.”
Texting auto accidents in Texas can instantly change your life in an instant. What would you do if you couldn’t work for weeks or months? How would you pay your bills? What if your insurance company refused to cooperate? You need someone you can trust to make sure your needs are being addressed. You need a tough Texas texting auto accident attorney who puts people first. You need our law firm serving clients throughout Texas. Our distracted driving attorneys take a hands-on approach to helping people deal with a serious auto accident. We work with clients and help them decide what’s the best course of action. Each case is unique – just like your auto accident. Put your trust in a Texas texting auto accident attorney who fights for justice. Contact our law firm, the People’s Warrior.
Many states have taken a tough stand against cell phone use while driving. Nationwide, many states ban texting while driving. In addition, some states prohibit the use of hand-held phones. In Texas, school bus drivers cannot text or use a cell phone while driving under state law. But more needs to be done, according to Herman. She compared using a cell phone while driving to drunk driving. “It’s going to be very unpopular with some people,” Herman said, referring to the idea of completely banning drivers from using cell phones. “We’re not here to win a popularity contest. We’re here to do the right thing.”
Auto accidents in kill thousands of people every year. Thousands more were injured. Don’t let someone else’s reckless behavior ruin your life. Get back on track. Contact our law firm – driven to succeed, focused on results.
Texas teen driving laws prevent auto accidents? Study says no
auto accident lawsuit in Texas
Texas teen auto accident attorney
Auto Accidents
Texas has laws specifically written for drivers under 18 years old. Known as graduated driver licensing (GDL), these laws restrict when teenagers in Texas can legally operate a car. Texas’ GDL program also includes laws designed to reduce the risk of teen drivers on the road.
Texas’ laws might seem strict. But they aren’t tough enough, according to a recent national study. An astounding 211 lives could be saved every year in Texas if the country adopted phased-in teen driving privileges. That’s the conclusion of a study done by the National Safety Council, which researched the issue for the Allstate Foundation. Nationwide, the study estimates that 2,000 traffic fatalities each year could be prevented if states had tougher phased-in teen driving laws.
An auto accident involving a Texas teenager can happen fast. What would you do if were injured? You need a tough Texas teen auto accident attorney on your side. You need our law firm. Serving clients in Texas, our lawyers work tirelessly with accident victims, including helping them to decide whether to file an auto accident lawsuit in Texas. Auto accidents can be complicated. Questions often lead to more questions. Knowing what to do can be hard. Turn to Texas teenage auto accident attorney who puts people first, not insurance companies. Contact our law firm, the People’s Warrior.
Teenagers literally think differently. Increasing scientific evidence has found that teens’ brains are physically different from adults and still developing. That’s why teenagers often do things that make people think, “What were they thinking?”
That’s why the National Safety Council supports states adopting seven specific rules for teenage drivers aimed at reducing the number of auto accidents. These rules include states waiting until drivers are 16 years old to issue a learner’s permit and 16½ years old to issue an intermediate license.
An auto accident can turn your life upside down. Don’t give up. Get your life back on track. Contact a law firm that can help you cut through the confusion. Contact our law, the People’s Warrior.
Catastrophic Accidents
A determined catastrophic accident lawyer can stand behind you
If you or a loved one was injured in a catastrophic accident, you will need an experienced personal injury lawyer who has the passion, commitment and determination to help you recover full compensation for your losses. Injuries from catastrophic accidents include traumatic brain injuries, amputation injury and spinal cord injuries, as well as other serious, debilitating injuries.
At our law firm, we represent individuals who have been seriously injured through no fault of their own. We have assisted people throughout Texas. Unlike many other personal injury law firms, we focus exclusively on major injury cases, including:
Car accident injury
Truck accident injury
Motorcycle accident injury
By being selective with our cases, we can provide unmatched personal attention and first class service for our clients. We can help them recover damages for pain, suffering, medical bills and lost income and other potential losses. We understand that you deserve nothing less than maximum compensation in a catastrophic injury case.
How catastrophic accidents happen
A major injury may be the result of a catastrophic accident, such as a car wreck or a truck collision. In some cases, however, someone may experience a serious head injury or sustain spinal cord damage after falling at a hotel or apartment complex. A property owner or landlord may have neglected to repair a faulty hand railing or broken stairs.
If you or a loved one was catastrophically injured, contact a Texas personal injury lawyer renowned for his skills in the courtroom. our attorneys are top trial attorneys in Texas known for taking an aggressive stand for their clients. Our attorneys have helped recover millions of dollars in compensation for our clients’ losses. We have tried over 100 cases to verdict, and are board certified in personal injury trial law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. We are the People’s Warrior!
Insurance company attorneys will use any means necessary to avoid liability. Our law firm is not intimidated by the bullying tactics they try to use to reduce or even deny a serious injury insurance claim. We know our clients have the law on their side — we will keep fighting for them until they have obtained every penny they deserve.
Experienced, strong, determined
Don’t let the insurance companies push you around. Choose a strong, experienced legal advocate who stands behind clients and goes the extra mile for them. Contact a catastrophic injury attorney at our law firm.
We serve clients throughout Texas.
Truck Accident Injury
Truck accidents often lead to catastrophic injury to the occupants of passenger cars. The size of the big rigs, which typically can be 30 times larger than a passenger vehicle, means significant forces will be involved in the truck crash. The violent force of a semi truck accident can lead to permanent injuries, such as traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury or fatal injuries that may be a precursor to a wrongful death lawsuit.
If you or a loved one was injured, or a loved one was killed in a trucking accident, contact an experienced truck accident injury lawyer in Texas to learn about your rights. Truck wrecks can lead to complicated personal injury cases involving severe injuries and the potential for multiple parties being held liable. With so much at stake, you need a determined personal injury lawyer on your side. Our attorneys are board certified in personal injury trial law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. Call for a free and confidential consultation.
Factors behind a tractor-trailer collision
There may be any number of reasons for a tractor-trailer collision. Whether your accident was caused by speeding, driver fatigue or some other form of truck driver negligence, a tough Texas truck accident injury lawyer can work hard to determine who is responsible and hold that individual or parties accountable. We may need to investigate the trucking company to find out if the driver’s employer was negligent. For example, the company may not have conducted a proper background check of the employee’s driving history. Semi truck crashes occur more often than you might think. There are approximately 380,000 large trucks involved in traffic accidents in the United States each year, according to truck accident statistics provided by the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA). 90,000 people sustained injuries in 18-wheeler accidents and more than 4,000 people were involved in fatal truck wrecks.
Trucking accidents may involve any of the following significant injuries (among other catastrophic injuries):
Traumatic brain injury
Spinal cord injury and paralysis
Burn injury
Amputation injury
Broken bone and fractures
Truck accidents can involve large 18-wheelers, but also may involve other larger and small trucks, such as:
Delivery vans
Dump trucks
Tanker trucks
Contact a truck accident attorney in Texas today
If you were injured in a truck accident, you deserve an experienced lawyer who will fight for you. You deserve our law firm. For a free consultation, contact an experienced truck accident attorney in Texas. At our law firm, we serve clients across the state. Please visit our office or call us.
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Motorcycle Accident Injury
Motorcycle accident injuries demand experienced representation
Motorcycle riders face a greater risk of injury and death than occupants of cars. Every year there are hundreds of motorcyclists (operators and passengers) killed, according to data supplied by the Texas Department of Transportation. Sixty percent of motorcyclists killed were not wearing helmets at the time of the crash.
If you were injured, or lost a loved one in a motorcycle accident, contact our law firm. Throughout Texas, victims of serious injuries have relied on the top skills of our catastrophic accident lawyers who know how to get results. Our attorneys have helped recover millions of dollars in compensation for his clients’ losses. Call today to find out how our law firm can protect your rights.
In a motorcycle accident, a rider or passenger is 300 percent more likely to get injured than a driver or passenger in a motor vehicle involved in an accident, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). While adjusters for insurance companies may point fingers at the motorcyclist to find blame, studies tell a different story. In many cases, a car driver’s failure to see the motorcycle in traffic is the cause of a motorcycle wreck.
Types of motorcycle accident injuries
The following are some common types of motorcycle accident injuries:
Hands or feet. A rider may sustain broken bones or fractures or serious injuries that require amputation.
Organ damage. Internal injuries are not unusual in motorcycle wrecks, as a rider may be thrown from the bike.
Back injuries. A spinal cord injury can be debilitating. Other types of back injury include herniated disc injuries.
If you were injured in a motorcycle accident, you deserve an experienced lawyer who can fight for you. For a free consultation, contact an experienced motorcycle accident attorney in Texas. At our law firm, we serve clients across the state.
Put the power of a tough Texas lawyer on your side. Contact our law firm — the People’s Warrior!
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What to Do If Seriously Injured
People can sustain serious injuries, such as a traumatic brain injury, from any number of situations, from a car accident to “slip and falls” at apartment complexes or at hotels. If you are seriously injured, or a loved one sustains a catastrophic injury, do you know what to do to protect your rights?
At our law firm, we have successfully litigated all types of personal injury cases including cases involving catastrophic accidents. If you were injured or a loved one was seriously injured or killed, contact a personal injury lawyer to schedule a free consultation. Our attorneys are board certified in personal injury trial law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization.
We aggressively pursue full compensation for our clients’ injuries. We also represent clients in wrongful death cases and will pursue loss of companionship, funeral costs and other damages. Call us today.
Seek medical care after an injury
If you are seriously injured in a car accident, your first priority is to obtain medical care. Contact your doctor to take care of your injuries. It may be necessary to see a specialist for the type of injury you sustained. As you visit various doctors, keep all the paperwork related to your injuries, including results from X-rays or MRIs as well as anything written. The documentation may be important if you need to pursue a personal injury lawsuit.
As soon as you are able, contact a personal injury attorney. If your accident is the result of someone else’s negligence, you may hear from the other party’s insurance company. Talk to an accident lawyer before giving any written or oral statement to the insurance company. Your attorney can protect your rights and deal with the insurance company for you.
How an injury attorney can help
At our law firm, we have the resources and experience serious injury victims need to pursue compensation for their injuries. Serious injury victims in Texas often face skyrocketing medical bills, expenses related to a damaged vehicle and a loss of income from being unable to work. They often need money for physical therapy and rehabilitation.
we have attorneys that belong to the prestigious Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum and the Million Dollar Advocates Forum. Less than 1 percent of U.S. lawyers belong to these organizations, which recognize lawyers who have won million dollar and multi-million dollar verdicts for clients.
If you were injured, or a loved one was killed or seriously injured due to negligence in Texas, take action immediately to protect your rights. Talk to an experienced catastrophic injury lawyer. Your consultation is free of charge, and you don’t pay us any fees unless we recover compensation for you.
Serious Injury Insurance Claims
What you should know about insurance companies
Insurance companies rake in billions of dollars in profits every year. They take in money from policyholders who pay their premiums. To maintain their profits, the insurance companies will do whatever they can to limit payouts to people who have sustained serious injuries or property damage. Insurance adjusters are trained to minimize compensation or deny claims altogether.
If you sustain a car accident injury, a slip and fall injury or any type of serious injury, you may be entitled to recover compensation for a variety of damages, from medical bills and loss of income to non-monetary losses such as pain and suffering. At our law firm, we can pore over medical records, police reports and other important documents to help you build a strong personal injury case. Don’t let the insurance company decide what happens to you after a serious injury such as a traumatic brain injury, a spinal cord injury or if you lost a loved one due to wrongful death.
How claims adjusters work
Claims adjusters realize the average person is not familiar with the nuances of Texas law and the types of compensation they may be entitled to receive after an accident due to negligence. Claims adjusters will use the accident victim’s lack of understanding to keep payments to an absolute minimum.
While the insurance company adjuster might sound friendly, the reality is the adjuster or representative does not have your best interests in mind. The representative is working strictly for the insurance company. The settlement offer may be far less than your case is worth.
Get in touch with Our Law firm
Before you talk with the adjuster, call our law firm. Let an experienced car accident lawyer in Texas handle the insurance company for you. For a free consultation, contact a personal injury lawyer. Our attorneys are board certified in personal injury trial law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization.
We serve clients throughout the state of Texas.
Don’t leave your future to chance. Put the power of a tough Texas lawyer on your side. Contact our law firm — the People’s Warrior!
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Compensation in Catastrophic Injury Cases
Do you know what your claim is worth?
Texans injured through no fault of their own are legally entitled to compensation for their losses. Compensation in a catastrophic injury case refers to the financial recovery a victim may receive from an individual or entity, such as a business, that caused the loss or suffering.
If you or a loved one was injured, or a loved one was killed in an accident due to negligence, contact an experienced personal injury lawyer to learn about your rights. Catastrophic injury cases can become complicated. With so much at stake, you need a tough-minded accident attorney in Texas on your side. Call us for a free and confidential consultation.
Factors in determining compensation
Many injury victims want to know how much their case is worth. Many factors may play a role in determining damages (which is the sum of money paid to a victim for the loss). We generally consider the victim’s physical, financial, psychological and emotional losses. An experienced personal injury lawyer can use resources to determine compensation. For example, a traumatic brain injury expert can analyze impact of the injury on the victim’s life. Based on the expert’s conclusions, we may be able to pursue compensation for any number of damages, including medical expenses, loss of income and other factors.
our attorneys are renowned trial lawyers who has recovered millions of dollars for clients by aggressively standing up to insurance companies and demanding the maximum compensation allowed under Texas law. Such high-profile cases have earned some of our attorneys a membership in the prestigious Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum and the Million Dollar Advocates Forum.
For a free consultation, contact a serious accident lawyer in Texas. You don’t pay us a fee unless we recover compensation for you. Contact our law firm – the People’s Warrior!
Paralysis Injury
Paralysis can lead to a shortened life span
Either partial or full paralysis may be the result of spinal cord damage. As with traumatic brain injury (TBI), paralysis generally leads to permanent disability. Victims of paralysis may face complications, including infections that can shorten the life span.
If you or a loved one was in any type of accident that resulted in paralysis, get in touch with our law firm. Call us today. If you are represented by our firm, you will have an aggressive advocate on your side who understands how to maximize compensation for clients.
Paralysis may involve the loss of movement in all four limbs (quadriplegia) or loss of movement in the lower half of the body (paraplegia).
It’s not unusual for paralysis victims to face large economic losses. Someone who permanently loses mobility may be unable to work in the same capacity, which can lead to a loss of income. You may need to cover expenses related to physical therapy, rehabilitation and housing renovations, such as wheelchair ramps. You also may face non-monetary losses such as pain and suffering and mental anguish.
Contact a paralysis injury lawyer
A paralysis injury due to negligence calls for a hard-working lawyer who brings knowledge and dedication to your case. Whether you or a loved one was injured in a car accident, truck crash, pool accident or from a fall, you deserve the advocacy of a serious, tough-minded personal injury lawyer. At our law firm, we can help you pursue your options. Contact a paralysis injury lawyer today. A delay may affect your right to compensation.
Brain Injury Statistics
What you need to know about traumatic brain injuries
Brain injuries happen every day in Texas and throughout the United States. Every year, 1.7 million people sustain a traumatic brain injury, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Every five minutes someone dies from a head injury.
If you or a loved one is coping with a traumatic brain injury that occurred due to someone else’s negligence, a TBI lawyer. At our law firm, we put our experience and resources to work for clients who have sustained traumatic brain injuries in a variety of accidents. Call today.
Causes of TBI
The following is a breakdown of the causes of TBI, according to the CDC:
Falls (35.2 percent)
Car accidents and truck accidents (17.3 percent)
Being struck by or colliding with a moving or stationary object (16.5 percent)
Assault (10 percent)
Unknown or other (21 percent)
Falls cause nearly half of the cases of brain injury in children and 61 percent of all TBIs in adults over 65 years old. The age groups most likely to sustain brain injuries include children up to 4 years old, teenagers between 15 and 19 and older adults who are 65 and over. Traumatic brain injuries are more common among males.
Each year, there are 52,000 TBI-related deaths, 275,000 hospitalizations, and nearly 1.4 million emergency room visits, according to the CDC.
Contact Our Law Firm
If you were injured, or a loved one sustained a TBI, rely on an experienced personal injury lawyer. Contact tour law firm immediately. A delay may affect your rights.
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Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Our brain injury attorney can fight for you
Traumatic brain injuries (TBI), which are among the most devastating types of injuries, often permanently affect a victim’s life and the victim’s family’s lives. A brain injury may be the result of a car accident, a truck accident, motorcycle accident or other type of traffic incident, but people can suffer a TBI as a result of any type of sudden, violent blow to the head. For example, a fall at a hotel due to a faulty hand rail may lead to a TBI. In such a case, you may be able to file a premises liability claim.
If you or a loved one sustained a traumatic brain injury, contact an experienced brain injury attorney to learn about your rights. For a free consultation, call us. At tour law firm, we put our experience and resources to work for clients who are facing catastrophic injuries in Texas. Our attorneys are board certified in personal injury trial law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization.
Types of medical problems related to brain injury
Brain injury can lead to a host of medical issues, including memory loss, mood changes, aggressive behavior and headaches. Symptoms of brain injury after an accident include, but are not limited to:
Loss of consciousness
Bruising of the brain
Keep in mind that brain injury symptoms also may be subtle. A victim may not realize he or she has sustained a brain injury until symptoms surface months or even years after the accident.
If you or a loved one sustained a TBI, you may be entitled to compensation, including medical bills, loss of income, physical therapy, rehabilitation and other potential damages.
Contact Our Law Firm
When you need top legal representation, contact a brain injury lawyer in Texas. We are skilled at pursuing maximum compensation in catastrophic injury cases. Our attorneys have helped recover millions of dollars in compensation for his clients’ losses. Our consultations with clients are free, and we represent injury victims on a contingency fee basis, which means our clients pay no legal fees unless we recover compensation their cases.
Please visit or call our office.
Put the power of a tough Texas lawyer on your side. Contact our law firm — the People’s Warrior!
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Car Accident Brain Injury
A car accident is a common cause of brain injury
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) can be the result of a sudden blow to the head. While a fall or sports injury may lead to a TBI, half of all TBI victims were injured in automobile accidents, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.
If you or a loved one sustained a car accident brain injury, you deserve an experienced and hard-working legal advocate. You deserve our laws firm. Your consultation is free and there is no obligation. Talk to a TBI attorney in Texas. Our attorneys are board certified in personal injury trial law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization.
Our law firm is ready to fight for brain injury victims involved in car accidents. A fatal injury may be grounds for a car accident wrongful death lawsuit.
Types of car accidents leading to brain injury
A brain injury in a car accident may be the result of an occupant’s head striking an object such as the windshield. The trauma may cause bleeding, bruising or tearing of the brain tissue. While a head-on collision, or side-impact accident may cause brain injury, rollover accidents are common causes of TBI. Unfortunately, the manufacturers of cars that are prone to rollover can change the design, but often choose financial profit over safety.
Insurance companies may contact TBI victims or their families quickly to try to settle the matter. Before you talk to an adjuster for the negligent party’s insurance company, talk to a brain injury lawyer who can protect your rights. You may be entitled to more compensation than the insurance company is offering. Our law firm can provide a potent combination of experience and resources for clients who have sustained catastrophic injuries in rollover accidents.
Contact our Law Firm — the People’s Warrior!
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